After dump site day, I always have to ponder about what it is I can say that will help you to experience the realness of it all.
I’ll try to describe the senses that we smell, see and touch on days like today.
1. I drive on the long road back to the dump and all I can see is puddles of muddy, stinky water and trash everywhere you look. We pull up to the dump stations post and see the families already gathering.
2. I smell the trash as soon as I step out of the van. It smells like a mix of rotting food and decomposing trash and steamy mud and water. Some of the kids and families are covered in that smell. The kids faces full of dirt and mud from what they live in.
3. I touch hundreds of hands with high fives and fist bumps…I touch the sweet heads of several children and smile, hoping they can feel the deep love of Jesus through my face…I kiss the heads of one of the babies the mamma asked me to kiss.
Beyond physical touch, every ounce of my being is touched. My eyes constantly In a watery state as I see my sweeties…God’s sweeties…some without clothes, some with rotting teeth, some with hair that hasn’t been washed in weeks..I hear stories from Mom’s of their husbands away or in prison….I hear the panic in their voices as their side of the dump was not able to be put on the names list for distribution…the look on the mammas faces when they realize they were one person away from getting meals for a week or a t-shirt for one of their kids.
I also see hope as I hear the kids laugh and dance In circle with us, somehow shaking the hardship of life off for a few moments and being able to feel happy for a time. I see them eating a meal and smiling…I see the absolute joy when they get a shirt that still has a tag on it. I see them proudly strap on a bracelet that they have just made with beads that we have told the story of Christ through.
And I feel hope in my heart that Jesus will use these 5 loaves and fishes, and multiply it to make disciples for his kingdom.
In the midst of my range of emotions, I don’t take lightly that so many hands helped make today possible…from a sacrificial gift of vacation money, to sacrificing time to come across the seas, to those who have given constant monthly partnership to help sponsor these kids…God use this to touch these lives…
And when it’s all done in the end church, may we all truly be able to leave a Kingdom Legacy in the places of the world God calls us to touch. #klm #kingdomlegacy

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