Instant Web Tools provide; logo design, graphics, web design, web hosting, SEO, social media, and Analytic dashboard… Call us at (513) 802-4668. Instant Web Tools is a full-service web development agency, and we offer the following services.

Logo, the first thing we talk to clients about is where are you at in your creative process? Have you created a logo yet or still working on some concepts? Whether you have it penciled out or whether you need help piecing it together, our team can make sure your logo tells the right story.

Web Design, let us help you tell your story through web design. What you are looking for in your website. What do you want it to look like? What pages will be the central point of your site? What do you want people to know, and what do you want them to contact you about to find out more? Do you want to sell anything on your site? We’ll walk you through finding the right layout and then we’ll work together as you give content and pictures to help share with others about who you are.

Web Hosting, now that your site is up and running, you want it to run well! What is web hosting and maintenance? Hosting is essentially a safe place to host your website and the maintenance piece is just like maintenance on your car. If you keep up with it, it helps it not to break down. With web hosting and maintenance at Instant Web Tools, you get:
– Customer support available when you need it to help keep your website running smoothly.
– Security and backups that happen frequently to keep your site secure.
– Affordability
– Core and Plug In Updates
– Plug in Fixes
– Troubleshooting
– Lightning Fast Server

SEO or Search Engine Optimization, It helps your business website being visible in google or search engine optimization. You’ll have a chance to show your work, portfolio, and expertise to your potential clients before making decision on choosing you vs the competitors. We do both on-page seo and off-page seo.Social Media At IWT, we want to help strengthen what people see about your company and one tool we offer to do that is through our monthly social media design.

Social media is an important tool of your business marketing plan and can often be the first impression of your company. These platforms not only help you to reach your customers, but they also help you to engage with them.
We can help your business create social media designs at frequent times throughout the month and help you gain initial followers and likes through optimization. Then, our team can post those designs across all your different social media platforms. Oftentimes, our clients want to provide content or a theme for the month and that is fine, or if you want us to be a little more hands on, we can offer suggestions. After posting, we can provide analytic tracking to let you know what posts people are responding to.

Analytics Dashboard, So you have a website and social media platforms, but what is next? You want to be able to see how your online presence is performing. Which posts seem to reach a broader audience? How many people are visiting your website and interacting with it? Analytics is an important part of web development. IWT can help you see how people are responding to your site and posts and that allows you to be more strategic in what you do to reach more people. Our all-in-one analytics platform will help you track this data with ease from one place. Contact us today!

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